Roosterkoek Boerewors
on a Stick
  • Description:

    With a warm place in the hearts of many South Africans, fresh roosterkoek is welcome at any outdoor get-together. In this braai recipe, the classic bread is wrapped around another favourite – boerewors – to bring you an extra special smoky treat. Just remember to make sure your fire isn’t too hot, the bread dough can end up burning without being cooked properly on the inside.

  • Ingredients:

    Roosterkoek Dough

    1 000 ml (4 cups) cake flour
    4 ml bicarbonate of soda
    8 ml cream of tartar
    5 ml (1 tsp.) salt
    60 ml (¼ cup) butter
    375 ml (1½ cups) buttermilk


    400-500 g thin Championship
    Boerewors, cut into lengths

    Sweet Mustard

    30 ml (2 tbsp.) wholegrain mustard
    30 ml (2 tbsp.) Dijon mustard
    30 ml (2 tbsp.) honey

  • Method:

    1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
    2. Dough: Sift all the dry ingredients, rub in the butter, add the buttermilk and mix until a stiff dough forms. Roll into a 5 cm thick roll and cut into 2 cm slices. Press the slices to flatten slightly.
    3. Wors: Push a long kebab stick lengthwise into each piece of wors and cook over the coals or in a large saucepan.
    4. Wrap a layer of dough around each wors and bake until the dough is done, about 20 minutes. Or, cook over slow coals (you can wrap foil around the ends of the wors to prevent overcooking).
    5. Sweet mustard: Mix all the ingredients.

      Recipe supplied by Championship Boerewors