• Description:

    A bite-sized breakfast, from the heart.

  • Ingredients:

    1 croissant

    2 large eggs

    2 slices ham

    2-3 tbsp chutney

    1 tbsp butter or margarine

    salt and pepper

  • Method:

    1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC. 
    2. Cut the croissant in half and then into 2 heart shapes, using a heart-shaped cookie stencil.
    3. Spread some chutney onto each slice of croissant.
    4. Slice the ham slices in half to make heart-shaped slices, using the heart-shaped cookie stencil again.
    5. Crack and fry your eggs in a frying pan.
    6. Place the fried eggs on top of your heart-shaped ham and croissants, cutting around them so they’re also heart-shaped.
    7. Season with a bit of salt and pepper.